Pavel Durov, the creator of Telegram messenger, shared his insights on the future of the TON cryptocurrency during the Token2049 conference in Dubai. Durov outlined how regular Telegram users can utilize Toncoin (TON) in various ways. Commencing from April 19, channel administrators on Telegram will start receiving payments in TON for advertising. Additionally, users will soon have the option to tip administrators in TON, with content creators receiving a share of the earnings.
Furthermore, the buying and selling of stickers as NFTs in TON will be feasible, with sticker artists earning 95% of the profits. Telegram will also introduce mini-apps where users can purchase content using cryptocurrency. Users will also be able to share TON with their contacts through the messenger.
Durov also mentioned that users will have the ability to log into their accounts using cryptocurrency wallets. Moreover, there are plans to allow users to claim rights to their account names for potential resale.
All of these upcoming features will be accessible to all users without the need for any programming skills. Recently, TON entered the list of blockchain networks supporting the largest stablecoin by capitalization. Speculations about the launch of USDT on TON emerged in early April following an announcement of a joint appearance by Durov and Tether’s Paolo Ardoino at a crypto conference in Dubai.
In other news, Toncoin has surpassed Cardano in market capitalization and achieved a new all-time high. Stay updated by following us on Google News.